Leon F Miller
Dr. Leon Miller served Northwest for 35 years and, upon his death, his daughter is ensuring her father’s legacy will continue.
The Leon F. Miller Graduate Grant Award will continue to celebrate the distinguished professor and his impact on Northwest’s graduate programs. The award was established in 1988 by Miller’s daughter, Dr. Carol J. Miller, and his wife, Mary Belle Harmon Miller.
From 1950 to 1985, Leon Miller was chairman of Northwest’s Division of Education, director of Horace Mann Lab School and dean of instruction. He also was the institution’s first dean of the Graduate School.
Miller, a major in the U.S. Army in World War II, was a decorated veteran, receiving many honors including the Purple Heart and Bronze Star medals. He earned his Ph.D. in education from the University of Chicago and was inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame at Missouri State University for tennis championships. As a Maryville resident for more than 60 years, Miller is remembered for his extensive civic involvement. He was especially active in Hope Lutheran Church, Lions Club (from which he received an International Humanitarian Award for work with the sight, hearing and leadership commissions and as District Governor) and the American Legion (serving on the national Americanism Council, as state oratorical chairman, and locally as commander and Boys State chairman).
The Millers celebrated 65 years of marriage May 5, 2011. Miller passed later that month; his wife suffered a stroke the next day and died in April 2012.
Scholarships associated with Leon F Miller